What a Recession Means for Home Improvement Brands

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    The possibility of a recession has been haunting the market since earlier this year when gas and housing prices began to rise, along with inflation. Although these factors have decreased in recent weeks, consumers and retailers alike have every reason to be wary. So what could a possible recession mean for the home improvement market and its retailers? Is the…

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    3 Types of Off-Shelf Merchandising and How to Use Them in Home Improvement

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    If you’ve walked through any big-box retailer in the last decade, you’ve probably noticed that more and more product is not on the shelf. Point-of-purchase (POP) displays are especially ubiquitous in home improvement stores where the aisles are wide and seem to invite retail merchandising. Shoppers may have mixed reviews about sharing aisle space with retail merchandising, but there are…

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    5 Predictions for the Future of Retail

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    These days, retailers are nervous and with good reason. The COVID-19 pandemic caused consumer behavior and technology to leap forward. Many retailers are struggling, while the Amazons and Instacarts of the world have charged ahead. The Amazon effect is rippling through our economy at lightning speed. It’s changing technology, raising expectations and turning retail inside out. After the upheaval of…

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    Our List of Must-Haves to Help Nail Your Next Retailer Pitch

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    If you’ve been around Porchlight for any period of time, you’ve heard the phrase, “In retail, every product has to be sold twice.” Even though most products are designed for consumers, we know all too well that retail is a B2B2C world. Before a product ever reaches a shelf, it’s been purchased by a retail merchant. For this reason, merchants…

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    How Often Do Rebrands Happen in the Home Improvement Industry?

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    From time to time, we all need a change. The same is true for brands. If you’re plugged into the world of branding, it may seem like there’s more rebranding happening on any given day than there is branding. Thankfully, that’s not the case. While it’s true that certain industries refresh their brands more often than others, it’s not routine…

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    Define Your Online Marketing Priorities

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    A Simple Framework for Home Improvement Brands In the modern home improvement landscape, strategic adaptability is the name of the game. Brands are quickly learning to pivot in response to evolving consumer behaviors, which are pointing in favor of a hybrid shopping experience and one that blends retail and ecommerce in ever-changing proportions. Smart brands have embraced this omnichannel evolution,…

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    Who’s driving the future of ecommerce? Surprise…it’s not the retailer.

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    How long has it been since your last online purchase? If you’re like most people, the answer ranges from minutes to hours. If you have a smartphone, you know that any moment can be a consumer moment. If you have any digital subscriptions, you might be buying something right now. These days, you can buy things anytime, anywhere, with a…

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